GCP Buckets
Similar to scanning AWS storage volumes you can also scan GCP Buckets.
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Similar to scanning AWS storage volumes you can also scan GCP Buckets.
Last updated
Before you can start protecting your data in GCP Buckets you'll need to link in your GCP account(s).
For CSS scanning of GCP, Protection can mean schedule scanning (pre-defined schedule based) and on-demand (pick one or more buckets and scan immediately whenever you want).
The schedule icons shown below will reflect whether an object is associated with a schedule and whether that schedule is active or not.
You can scan pre-existing files in a bucket at anytime by selecting which bucket you'd like to scan and then selecting Scan Existing - AV in the Actions menu.
Navigate to Protection > GCP > Buckets page
Select the check mark next to the bucket name of your volume
Click Actions > Scan Existing - AV
Select your date range, prefixes (optional) and whether you'd like to scan files that have been already scanned.
Acknowledge that scanning files will result in a charge and scan selected.
You can add buckets to a schedule by selecting the buckets you want to scan on a scheduled basis and selecting Create AV Schedule in the Actions menu.
Navigate to Protection > GCP > Buckets page
Select the check mark next to the bucket name of your volume
Click Actions > Create AV Schedule
Select the Schedule tab and enter in your schedule name, scan period, schedule description (optional), files to scan, and prefixes to crawl (optional).
Acknowledge that scanning files will result in a charge and save the schedule.
Click on Schedules, find the schedule you created. Click the button with 3 dots on it and click Activate.
If you go to Monitoring > Jobs you'll be able to see the status of on-demand and scheduled retro scans for GCP Buckets.
Protected by Active Schedule -
Part of an Inactive Schedule -
Not a Part of any Schedule -