Linking a GCP Account
Linking a GCP account to ingest objects is similar to linking an AWS account.
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Linking a GCP account to ingest objects is similar to linking an AWS account.
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You'll need to perform the following steps to link a GCP account and begin scanning your objects:
Fill out GCP account details in the CSS Console
Download a Terraform file generated by the Console
Modify the values and run the Terraform file
Place the resulting output files from Terraform into the Console
gcloud cli
Terraform utilizes the gcloud cli under the hood to stand up infrastructure. Ensure you have the gcloud cli downloaded.
Here's documentation from Google to get the cli:
Click this link to download our GCP Terraform Module:
Unzip the files in the directory of your choice.
In the CSS Console, navigate to Access Management > Manage Accounts
Select Link Account > Link GCP Account
Fill out the form
You will be asked to fill out 4 values:
GCP Organization ID: the ID of the Organization you want to protect objects in.
GCP Billing Account ID: the Billing Account you want to send infrastructure charges to.
Nickname (Optional): the Project Name for the stack that will be created.
GCP Project IDs to Protect: projects within the organization that you would like to protect.
Download the file
Click the 'Download file' button. You'll download a Terraform file generated by our Console.
Replace the default file with the new one
In your downloaded GCP module provided by CSS, replace the existing file with the new one you just downloaded.
Using a terminal in the same location as the CSS GCP module:
gcloud auth application-default login
Authenticate and allow the Google Auth Library.
Initialize Terraform with terraform init
You should see the following output.
validate Terraform with terraform validate
You should see the following output.
apply Terraform with terraform apply
and answer with 'yes' when asked if you want to perform the actions of adding resources.
After Terraform has applied, there are 3 module outputs that you must transfer to the CSS Console:
You will see these in the output of your terminal.
For each key, copy the value and paste them in the corresponding section of your CSS Console.
For Groups, choose groups to assign your linked accounts to. For access to all, select Primary.
Click 'Test Credentials' to validate that your credentials are good to go.
Click 'Link Account'.
Congratulations, you have successfully linked GCP Buckets! You can begin scanning your buckets at Protection > GCP in the CSS Console.