Console Overview

In the How to Configure section, we covered our first bucket activation to enable scanning and our first data classification schedule. Now let's take a closer look at the rest of the console.

The following sections will walk you through each area of the console and what you can expect from it. The goal, in general, has been to make the scanning, classifying, and protection of your objects simple and straight forward. The console is simple to get around with left side and top navigation. The left side will take you between the main Dashboard view, Bucket Protection and/or Schedules page, the Configuration options and the User Management area. While the top allows for in-place upgrades, your account management options, and Group switching.

Dashboard Overview

The Dashboard view is the window into your scanning and/or classifying status. If you are using Antivirus for Amazon S3 it is made up of five main parts:

  • Top Row Informational widgets

  • Total GBs Scanned chart

  • Total Objects Scanned chart

  • Total Problem File Objects chart

  • Bucket Protection Status chart

If you are using Data Classification for Amazon S3 it is made up of five main parts:

  • Top Row Informational widgets

  • Total GBs Classified chart

  • Total Objects Classified chart

  • Total Objects with Findings chart

  • Bucket Protection Status chart

If you are using both tools within the same Management Console then you will the above data separated for AV and DC within your dashboard.

Right after completing the initial configuration and enabling one bucket within the same region as the console, your Dashboard view could look as follows:

Top Row Informationals

The top row of widgets gives you a quick view to specific details around your environment. Whereas the charts below it give you more realtime views, the top row gives you the aggregate totals for the time slices for Total Data Scanned and Total Objects Scanned along with the total number of accounts protected within this deployment and total number of problem files found in the last 24 hours. Each informational is clickable. The Total Data Scanned and Total Objects Scanned will pop open the totals for each time slice. What is shown on the main page for those two are lifetime totals. The Total Active Accounts will redirect you to the Linked Accounts page. The Total Active Accounts tells you all the linked accounts you have setup and whether they are actively being protected. The Problem Files (24hr) will redirect you to the Problem Files page. The Problem Files (24hr) shows you the infected, error and unscannable file counts.

To see what it looks like, click between the tabs just below:

Overview / Detailed Chart Information

Time Window

You centrally control the time window the charts should reflect. The default is a 24 hour view when landing on the page. You can drop that to one hour or extend it out to cover a greater period of time. Custom allows you to specify a particular window of time that may not conform to the default selections.

Total GBs Scanned Chart

This chart represents the number of gigabytes scanned across all enabled buckets and regions (and linked accounts). You can track the number of gigabytes in 6 time slices: 1 hour, 24 hour, 7 day, 30 day, 90 day and custom range from the central time window picker.

To see what it looks like, click between the tabs just below:

Total Objects Scanned Chart

The number of objects or files scanned across all enabled buckets and regions (and linked accounts). You can track the number of objects / files in 6 time slices: 1 hour, 24 hour, 7 day, 30 day, 90 day and custom range from the central time window picker.

To see what it looks like, click between the tabs just below:

Total Number of Problem File Objects

The number of objects or files found to be infected, unscannable (exceeding file size limit or password protected) or in an errored state across all enabled buckets and regions (and linked accounts). You can track the number of infected / exceeded file size / error files in 6 time slices: 1 hour, 24 hour, 7 day, 30 day, 90 day and custom range from the central time window picker.


Exceeded File Size files are currently only those over 2gb in size.

Password protected files and encrypted files are logged as unscannable.

If you work with a lot of these types of files please Contact Us and we'll work with you to get this sorted out.

To see what it looks like, click between the tabs just below:

Bucket Protection Status

A by-region view of all of the buckets in your account and their current enabled status. If they are enabled for scanning by the console you are connected to, they will show in green. If they are enabled for scanning by another Cloud Storage Security Console, the will show in purple. If they are not enabled for scanning by any console, they will show in red.

To see what it looks like, click between the tabs just below:

Populated Dashboard Example

Once you've been running the product for a while, your dashboard may look as follows:

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