Password not received after deployment

Sometimes you may not receive the welcome email which includes your temporary password. If that's the case, here are the steps to logging in for the first time.

AWS Cognito

  1. Go to AWS Cognito and click into the CloudStorageSecPool.

  2. If you go into the admin user, you will see that a password reset is not available. Therefore you will need to create a new user. Once you create a new user, mark the email as verified and set your password from here.

  1. Once the user is created, you will need to add it to two Groups, Admins and Primary.

Sometimes you may run into an issue where the Groups are not created

In that case you will have to go to DynamoDB and set both VisibleGroups and Groups table, as the screenshots below show:

  1. You are now ready to log into our console and start using our solution (please note: a password change will be needed upon first login for this new user)

If you are still experiencing issues, please Contact Us.

Last updated