AWS Transfer Family

Ensure the data that is moved into Amazon S3 via AWS Transfer Family is free of ransomware, viruses, trojans and other payloads by scanning it inline with Antivirus for Amazon S3

Deployment Options

Deploy AWS Transfer Family and antivirus scanning at the same time in 5-15 minutes via our AWS CloudFormation Template. If you are new to Transfer Family, everything you need to be up and running will be deployed for you. If you are already using Transfer Family, it is easy to select the S3 buckets linked with your Server to deploy antivirus scanning.

If you're just getting started with our solution you'll need to subscribe to dedicated AWS Transfer Family listing on AWS Marketplace. After you've subscribed you'll be able to deploy the AWS Transfer Family CloudFormation Template.

If you are currently subscribed to the Antivirus for Amazon S3 product and have a Transfer Family Server deployed, all you need to do is protect the S3 bucket linked to your Transfer Family Server to ensure its contents are clean.


Last updated